Treatments And Therapy for Your Back Pain

Spoiling oneself at a health spa is regarded as a necessity more and more these days. For people with back pain, a high-quality therapeutic massage with a good oil may very well be precisely what the doctor ordered. Massage therapy is an alternate treatment that can provide relief for those who have problems with back pain.

There are numerous kinds of therapeutic massage however the basic tenet is the same. By way of massage therapy, pressure is employed to the physical body in a variety of ways (palms, fingers, elbow, wrists) and through various media (cbd oils, creams, stones, cups, balls). The objective is manipulation of the soft tissues in the back to encourage greater wellness and pain relief.

The age-old process of therapeutic massage as well as hemp creams, date back many thousands of years. In Asia the concept is to unleash the energy that's stored in areas of the body through some type of injury or tension so the person's body is able to heal itself. This kind of energy is known as “Chi”.

Great things about Therapeutic Massage

When you find yourself struggling with long-term pain, massage treatment is often an alternative option to surgery. Physicians generally look at surgery as a last resort, however, many lucky men and women avoid surgery completely with the use of therapeutic massage. Here are a few of the great things about therapeutic massage:

  • Reduce stress
  • Increase flexibility
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Increase range of motion
  • Reduce cramps and spasms
  • Improved blood circulation in muscles

Choosing Your Massage Therapy Type

There are numerous kinds of therapeutic massage. Deciding on the best one will require a little bit of experimentation, however virtually any reputable massage professional can take you step-by-step through the correct technique for your specific back pain. OF course if you are having long term pain and massage doesnt help it, you should always talk to your docotor.

How Reflexology Can Help With Back Pain

Most adults experience some type of back pain at some point in their lives. Unless it is due to an accident or an injury, back pain often occurs sporadically and can’t be traced back to a specific event. Whether the pain is chronic or intermittent, reflexology can provide both short- and long-term relief by treating the right reflex points.
A trained and certified reflexologist will know how to access the right reflex points and apply pressure that sends messages to the brain through the central nervous system. These messages are relayed to the muscles, glands, blood, lymph and nerves to calm and relax the area. After a few weeks of targeted treatment, there can be a significant reduction in back pain. After a series of treatments, reflexology can be done once a month to help maintain the results or prevent future problems.
What does the Treatment Involve?
The therapist may apply a lower leg massage and ankle rotation to prepare the body for the treatment. Rotating the ankles and flexing the feet back and forward will loosen up the muscles and relax the feet.
The lower back pain can be treated by applying pressure to the reflex points on the soles of the feet, around the heel and ankle, and the inner edges of the feet. The reflex points for the entire spine can be located along the inside edges of both feet.
The upper back area can be treated by accessing the reflex points for the upper back and shoulders located below the base of the toes on the soles and tops of the feet.
The therapist will also focus on the hip and sciatic reflexes that are often the cause of back pain. If the back pain is due to a kidney condition or other problems, those reflex points will also be worked on. For more information about reflexology, visit

Benefits of Using Chiropractor Orlando

The many benefits of using chiropractor Orlando includes easing your pain in your back and neck. Most insurances will pay for you to see a chiropractor and this is good because they are expensive. If you suffer from back and neck pain then you need to see one as soon as possible. They can help you deal with the pain you have by easing it for you a few times a week. If your back and neck pain is a lot then they will want to see you a lot at first. However, they will also show you some exercises to do from home to help ease your pain when not seeing them. 

When needing more information on a chiropractor you should first talk to your doctor and get a good referral. Your doctor can recommend a good one they know will help you. You can also ask friends and family about the ones they are using and get recommendations from them.

The popularity and efficacy of the practice of Chiropractic has already been established. What we need to know now is how to find or look for the best Chiropractors in Orlando. 

Choosing the chiropractor that would suit your needs and time would ultimately provide you with the best care and service. With this, it is in our intention to find a chiropractor that is right for us. Now, the first thing one needs to know on how to find a chiropractor is through the internet. With the advancements in technology, the accessibility that comes with it makes it easier for a number of people to come up or finish a task. A good example is finding Chiropractors in Orlando. 

You can do away with the office-to-office search. One can easily find the best chiropractor in the internet. Just key in the keywords and you're off to a good start. In there, you can find the needed information in finding a chiropractor.

What You Should Know About Spinal Degeneration

Spinal degeneration can affect anyone at any age so it is good to be aware of what is going on with your spine.  The spine is made to hold our whole central nervous system.  The nerves from the central nervous system run throughout the whole body and control the functioning of your body.  When there is compression or interference on a nerve it can compromise your body’s functioning and cause the body to experience different symptoms.  When spinal degeneration takes place there is usually means there is a herniated disc, spinal stenosis or degenerative disc disease.    

Let’s talk a little more in detail about the different forms of spinal degeneration.  A herniated disc takes place when the soft discs found in between the vertebra are protruding.  This can happen due to an injury in the body but is mostly caused due to aging of the body.  A herniated disc is likely to be found near the neck area or the lower back.  Although it can take place in the mid back area it is less common.  Spinal stenosis takes place when there is a narrowing of the open spaces in the spinal column.  This is also usually common in the neck and low back region.  When this happens the nerves are compressed, unable to fully function.  Degenerative disc disease (also known as spondylosis) is when the disc start to fuse together in the spinal column.  When this happens, nerves are compressed, muscles become weak and the body can experience pain.  It can compromise daily activities and living a normal life.

The aging process is usually the most common reason you may experience spinal degeneration, but remember it can happen at any age.  Some natural things you can do to prevent spinal degeneration is daily exercise, eating right and getting proper amounts of nutrition (calcium and vitamin D), lifting objects properly  and maintaining a proper weight.  Visiting your local San Diego Chiropractor is also a great way to ensure you are not suffering from spinal degeneration.  Most San Diego Chiropractors are able to take x-rays of the spine to ensure there is no degeneration or catch it at early stages and correct it with adjustments.  Remember preventative measures can ensure you live life with a health spine!