How Reflexology Can Help With Back Pain

Most adults experience some type of back pain at some point in their lives. Unless it is due to an accident or an injury, back pain often occurs sporadically and can’t be traced back to a specific event. Whether the pain is chronic or intermittent, reflexology can provide both short- and long-term relief by treating the right reflex points.
A trained and certified reflexologist will know how to access the right reflex points and apply pressure that sends messages to the brain through the central nervous system. These messages are relayed to the muscles, glands, blood, lymph and nerves to calm and relax the area. After a few weeks of targeted treatment, there can be a significant reduction in back pain. After a series of treatments, reflexology can be done once a month to help maintain the results or prevent future problems.
What does the Treatment Involve?
The therapist may apply a lower leg massage and ankle rotation to prepare the body for the treatment. Rotating the ankles and flexing the feet back and forward will loosen up the muscles and relax the feet.
The lower back pain can be treated by applying pressure to the reflex points on the soles of the feet, around the heel and ankle, and the inner edges of the feet. The reflex points for the entire spine can be located along the inside edges of both feet.
The upper back area can be treated by accessing the reflex points for the upper back and shoulders located below the base of the toes on the soles and tops of the feet.
The therapist will also focus on the hip and sciatic reflexes that are often the cause of back pain. If the back pain is due to a kidney condition or other problems, those reflex points will also be worked on. For more information about reflexology, visit

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