Chiropractic Care May Benefit Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic and complex widespread disorder that may cause musculoskeletal pain in the joints, muscles, tendons and other soft tissues throughout the body. Besides the painful symptoms, oddly, doctors cannot pinpoint the cause of fibromyalgia. Diagnosis of this disorder is difficult because there are no specific lab tests to specify if someone has fibromyalgia. Lack of scientific research leads medical professional to believe that various factors like genetics, trauma, stress, and infections are the cause of fibromyalgia.

Medically, prescription medication such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), painkillers, antidepressants, and muscle relaxers are commonly given to “treat” the symptoms. However, drugs only tend to mask the problem and give temporary relief. On the other hand, we have the non-medical approach that involves exercise, acupressure, acupuncture, nutritional therapy, and chiropractic. The role of your chiropractor is to free the stress found in your body called subluxation. Subluxation can stress your brain, spinal cord, joints, organs, tissues, and muscles. These subluxations hinder the optimal function of the nervous system and fibers that transmit signals from different parts of the body. When communication between the brain and the body is disconnected and distressed health issues can arise and fibromyalgia may get worse. San Diego Chiropractors use gentle adjustments to the spine to remove these subluxations. Studies have linked chiropractic care and management of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as pain, fatigue, and quality of sleep. By contacting your local chiropractor, you can learn more information on how to relieve fibromyalgia pain.

What You Should Know About Spinal Degeneration

Spinal degeneration can affect anyone at any age so it is good to be aware of what is going on with your spine.  The spine is made to hold our whole central nervous system.  The nerves from the central nervous system run throughout the whole body and control the functioning of your body.  When there is compression or interference on a nerve it can compromise your body’s functioning and cause the body to experience different symptoms.  When spinal degeneration takes place there is usually means there is a herniated disc, spinal stenosis or degenerative disc disease.    

Let’s talk a little more in detail about the different forms of spinal degeneration.  A herniated disc takes place when the soft discs found in between the vertebra are protruding.  This can happen due to an injury in the body but is mostly caused due to aging of the body.  A herniated disc is likely to be found near the neck area or the lower back.  Although it can take place in the mid back area it is less common.  Spinal stenosis takes place when there is a narrowing of the open spaces in the spinal column.  This is also usually common in the neck and low back region.  When this happens the nerves are compressed, unable to fully function.  Degenerative disc disease (also known as spondylosis) is when the disc start to fuse together in the spinal column.  When this happens, nerves are compressed, muscles become weak and the body can experience pain.  It can compromise daily activities and living a normal life.

The aging process is usually the most common reason you may experience spinal degeneration, but remember it can happen at any age.  Some natural things you can do to prevent spinal degeneration is daily exercise, eating right and getting proper amounts of nutrition (calcium and vitamin D), lifting objects properly  and maintaining a proper weight.  Visiting your local San Diego Chiropractor is also a great way to ensure you are not suffering from spinal degeneration.  Most San Diego Chiropractors are able to take x-rays of the spine to ensure there is no degeneration or catch it at early stages and correct it with adjustments.  Remember preventative measures can ensure you live life with a health spine!