Lawn Mowing: An Important Component Of Lawn Care In Vancouver

Mowing your lawn is one of the most important aspects in lawn care. Proper mowing is essential for keeping your lawn green and healthy. You are actually cutting off the growth point of grasses when you mow. This is where new leaves are formed. The grasses will then start to branch out and compete for every space. 

Mowing is a complex lawn care task that requires knowledge. Mowing is more than just cutting the grass to a shorter height. You can know more about lawn mowing in Vancouver via You must understand the type of grass on your lawn. 

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There are generally two types of grasses that can be used to establish a lawn. There are two types of grasses that can be used to establish lawns, one is warm-season grass, and the other is cool-season grass. Each type of grass thrives in different climate conditions, as their names suggest.

Cool season grasses like Fescue, Bluegrass, and Ryegrass should be mowed. They should be mowed at two-and-a-half to three and a quarter inches in height. Bluegrass should be mowed at a height of two and a quarter inches, while Fescue should be mowed at a height of three inches.

Warm season grasses can be mowed at an extremely low height, as most home-owned mowers allow. Examples of warm-season grasses include Bermuda, Zoysia, and Centipede. These grasses can be mowed at a height of about one inch if you plan to do so. A smooth grade is necessary to make your lawn look great.