All About Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is growing in popularity around the world, despite being one of the most misunderstood therapies available. It is freely used and studied by medical societies in various countries. So what is ozone therapy, what does it does and why is it so controversial?

The Controversies and Misunderstandings

A lot of the questions that arise about ozone have to do with pollution and the ozone alerts we have become so familiar with. You can also get more information about ozone therapy at

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When you hear words like "ozone alert" it's easy to wonder about the safety of something called ozone therapy. How can "pollution" be good for the body?

It can't, but ozone is not pollution – it only serves as an indicator of pollution. The burning of fossil fuels produces hydrocarbons that can gather and cause the pollution we are currently battling.

When the ultraviolet rays of the sun hit hydrocarbons, ozone is one of the byproducts. Because ozone is much easier to detect, it is used as a reference point for hydrocarbon levels, but ozone itself is not the problem.

Some ozone critics point out that people have died after receiving treatments from unlicensed practitioners. This is true of any therapy when used improperly.

When used properly, ozone is extremely safe, one of the safest therapies in the world. By contrast, according to the 2003 report, Death by Medicine, approximately 783,936 people in the US die from conventional medical mistakes every year and of those 106,000 are due to prescribed drugs.