What to Look for in a Web Designer or Design Agency

Google for web designers or web design firms and you will see millions of results for companies all promising very similar things: timely delivery, budget-friendly, search engine optimization and cross-browser compatibility, etc. Now if they were all so great, why are there so many crappy websites you may ask? Here are some qualifications that will help you to weed out the good web designers from the bad ones.

Great Portfolio

A great portfolio displays creativity, style variety and most importantly has examples of real client work and not just spec work from school. Ensure that the web designer's overall style in their portfolio matches what you are looking for.To know more about the web designing, you can also check Dallas Web Design

Customer Service

No matter how stellar your designer or agency is if they cannot respond to your calls or emails in a timely manner during business hours, they most likely cannot meet your deadline. This can mean death to your business if your project is time sensitive due to something like a product launch.


Full-service is usually offered by design firms because it requires a team of developers, designers, and marketing experts. Full-service means that they offer all-encompassing web solutions like SEO, e-commerce, branding, mobile compatibility and social media marketing all in one place.

Required Skills

Whoever you select should be proficient with the web technologies your project requires. If you want to convert your website into a CMS, ensure that they are well-versed in your chosen CMS and the web technologies that support it.