Why Your Mobile Phone is Bad for Your Fertility

Mobile phones harm fertility, and they do it in more than one way. Perhaps this isn't surprising, given that they are designed to radiate microwaves. What is surprising is that it took so long for scientists to make the connection between a known source of radiation and steadily falling rates of fertility around the world.

Not that mobile phones are the only modern devices to harm fertility, or our health in general for that matter. Electromagnetic radiation in various forms has long been suspected of causing a spectrum of health issues. But with mobile phones, the scientific evidence is so clear that there can be little room to challenge it.

Quite simply, by keeping a mobile phone within range of your testicles you are exposing them to intense microwave radiation of sufficient strength to lower your sperm count, damage the viability of those sperm that are produced, and suppress your  Testosterone Levels. If you have any interest in becoming a parent, these are all bad news.

As often happens, the regulatory machinery established by governments on both sides of the Atlantic is too timid to deal with a problem that has its roots in science. Although the danger of these phones is widely recognised, knowing how to deal with it is more controversial. All of which means that if you are concerned about your ability to become a father, don't just assume that the phone you buy 'is safe.' All phones produce radiation, and all have a negative effect on your fertility if you place them in range of your genitals.