Can an Ozone Generator Kill Roaches?

Bugs and pests are something that no one wants to deal with. Whether fleas or roaches, these little bugs are things that people dread. Roaches carry diseases since they eat anything that they can, including rotten things. You certainly don’t want these trash-dwellers skittering around your home unchecked.

This can lead to a lot of disgusting experiences. If you find them skittering about, this might not be crucial enough to call a pest control service. Instead, consider using an ozone generator instead. Ozone generators are very accurate when removing bugs around your home.

You will have to run it for a few hours over the time of a week, but it will either kill the cockroaches or drive them away.

Because you do it multiple times through the week, you’ll get both the cockroaches and the eggs they’ve laid. However, you have to remember not to be in the same room as the ozone generator. This goes for both people and pets.

It can cause a lot of respiratory problems for any organic thing, which is why the bugs can die from it. It won’t kill people, but it can certainly cause a lot of problems for your pets. Always run an ozone generator when no one is in the room.