Symptoms Of Social Anxiety- How Is It Diagnosed?

The symptoms of social anxiety disorder can look different for everyone, though they usually fall into three categories: physical, emotional, and behavioral:

Physical symptoms of a social anxiety disorder include:

  • Rapid heart rate

  • Sweating

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

  • Nausea or upset stomach

  • Muscle tension

  • Blushing

  • Shaking or trembling

However, you don't need to be worried. As there are various effective treatment options for social anxiety disorder.

Emotional symptoms include:

  • Fear of situations in which you may be judged or humiliated

  • Intense fear of interacting with strangers

  • Fear that others will notice you look anxious

  • Fear that others will make fun of you or judge you

  • Fear of anxiety or physical symptoms in social situations

  • Expecting the worst possible consequences from every social interaction

Finally, behavioral symptoms might include:

  • Avoiding common social situations, like attending parties or gatherings

  • Difficulty making eye contact

  • Difficulty starting or continuing conversation

  • Avoiding speaking in front of others

  • Over-analyzing your performance in front of others

  • Experiencing tics, or repetitive muscle movements, during social interactions

How Is It Diagnosed?

Social anxiety disorder can only be diagnosed by a psychiatric provider, licensed therapist, or medical provider. They’ll usually conduct an assessment to evaluate your thoughts and behaviors before comparing them to the criteria listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

The DSM-5 criteria for social anxiety disorder include:

  • Persistent and intense fear of specific social situations because you believe you’ll be embarrassed or judged negatively.

  • Excessive anxiety that is out of proportion to the situation.

  • Distress that interferes with daily living.

  • Avoidance of anxiety-inducing social situations.

Intro to Airsoft Guns – What Types are There?

Where to buy – Cheap Airsoft Guns

When trying to find cheap Airsoft guns there are a number of things you need to understand. How is the gun powered? Is it a simple spring system, where the energy stored in spring provides the power? Spring powered airsoft guns are usually the cheapest.

Rechargeable electronic guns are the best bet if you want a rapid fire rifle – they automatically cock the gun fun you. Lastly you have Airsoft guns powered by co2 these guns are propelled by the cartridge you put in them and each cartrage needs to be replaced after one use.

So like a real gun really. You can also buy cheap airsoft pistol online. as per your needs.

Overall sniper rifles are the least cheap Airsoft guns. The extra expense comes from the need for a scope to be attached to the top of the gun, and the gun to be properly aligned to the scope.

Most cheap Airsoft guns are pistols – you can even get them for about $10! Pistols don't need to be as high a build quality, or as accurate at long ranges, they usually only need to be accurate within 50ft. With rifles it generally depends on whether it's automatic or not. Automatic electronic rifles are obviously going to be more expensive than rifles that you need to cock manually.

Online is a good place to look at and compare Airsoft guns, just make sure you read the review well so you know what you're getting.