Why Late Summer/Early Fall Is The BEST Time To Treat For Grubs

Grubs are a common lawn and turf pest. Beneficial nematodes (and they're safe!) can help. control. To ensure effective control, you must treat the white grubs at the correct time of the year with effective lawn grub killer products.

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Scarab beetles live for a year. It is crucial to treat the problem promptly to kill the larvae and prevent them from spawning in new adults. The adult beetles usually lay eggs in the summer, which hatch in a matter of weeks. The newly hatched larvae feed all through the summer and fall, before going into the soil to overwinter.

The larvae will continue feeding in the spring, before eventually pupating and emerging as adults. It is best to treat in the late summer or early autumn because this is when the nematodes are most likely to attack small, delicate grubs.

Although there is usually a shorter window before the grubs become too large and pupate, it is still possible to treat them in the early spring. However, this window is often smaller and more difficult to manage.

Each grub solution may not be the best for every situation. While the best grub killers work slowly, active infestations require fast action. 

Granular grub killers can be applied with either a handheld spreader or a walk-behind mower. Spread the granules using a spreader and then return them to the bag. This is an easy and quick way to treat your lawn.

However, it is important to remember that you should apply the active ingredients just before the rain falls so they can penetrate the soil. You will need to water your lawn after applying the active ingredients.

2 Major Benefits of Basement Waterproofing

Basement waterproofing is a great benefit for homeowners, especially if you live in areas with snow and rain. These problems are even more common in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic areas, where snow and rain always seem to strike during winter, spring, and fall.

Waterproofing your basement can prevent any unexpected expenses because they keep your home safe at all times. You can get the best service of basement waterproofing in Erie PA by professionals online.

How Does Interior Basement Waterproofing Work?

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Basement waterproofing has many benefits for your home. Here are two:

Home Value Increases

Many people are aware of the benefits of waterproofing their basements. The simple addition makes the house look much better.

If you don't waterproof your basement, you can expect severe leakage, especially in winter. You will save more money by having your basement waterproofed. There won't be any extra fees for removing mold from the basement.

Mildew and Mold Removal

Mold and mildew are caused by water that has been left on a particular area for a given time. It is more likely to have mold/mildew if it has become darkened and shows signs of water damage.

Most homeowners allow mold and mildew to grow unattended, causing it to stain the home and cause severe damage. Worst of all, most homeowners don't know how dangerous these bacteria can be to your health.

Mold can spread through the air and reproduce via air-borne spores. Mold and mildew can spread from your basement to your living room and bedrooms.

A permanent solution to mold and mildew can be found in waterproofing your basement. You should hire a professional to waterproof your basement.