The Beauty of Watchet, Somerset

Watchet, Somerset is a gorgeous harbor town, using a maritime history stretching over two millennia, Watchet is presently a gorgeous tourist city. With many inns, restaurants and stores and of course the beaches and museums, Watchet adopts and relives the beauty of its own history.

The city's harbor, while being among the primary landmarks, also holds its own unusual tales concerning the history of a town. Destroyed by the ability of the sea on more than one event, the harbor has always been a fundamental area of the city. Somerset is a beautiful place and a popular wedding destination. You may hire a wedding photographer in Somerset by visiting

With twenty foot cliffs of a light greenish blue color, and many museums, showing artefacts and reliving the history of this town, watchet is a tourist destination that will not disappoint you. A trip to the Watchet vessel museum, built in 1862 as a Victorian drop for storing goods, will transfer you back into the times prior to the turn of this century.

The Beauty of Watchet, Somerset

Displaying ships such as the Flatner, withy ships, turf ships, river boats and bay boats and lots of relevant posts, studying the history along with the lifestyle that created Watchet that the gorgeous city it's today.

The plantations at the Brendon Hills have been an superb boom into town, particularly when combined with both railroad lines which finished in city and the harbour. Information concerning the mineral rail and papermaking in addition to the remains of a woolly mammoth can be located in the Watchet museum.

The harbour that saw an end to its industrial usage in 2000, currently houses a marina. In addition, the harbour boasts the statue of the ancient mariner, that premiered in 2003. This statue has been built as a tribute to Samuel Taylor Coleridge.


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