Pop Up Cones And The A-frame Wet Floor Warning Sign

The pop-up cone is made from durable fabric that would withstand rough handling. Such as the A-frame sign, the pop-up cone is also super easy to set up. To set up the pop-up cone simply remove the sheath and the pop-up cone does the rest, popping into a cone shape. The rubber feet prevent it from slipping and keep the warning signs from moving around on wet surfaces and on the plus side, they are also lightweight, which makes them easy to transport them anywhere when needed. You can easily buy warning signs from websites such asĀ alphacrowdcontrol.com, etc.

This cone is additionally similar to the A-frame in that it is self-standing and does not require any additional support, there is also a hidden benefit in the storage of the cone that has led to its demand and has led to becoming very popular in supermarkets due to its storage solutions.

In this plastic housing sheath, the sign is actually protected from dirt and is easily accessible for the next time when it is needed. The A-frame can be stored virtually anywhere as they do not take up much space and can be used anytime.

But remember they are only meant to be used indoors unless it is really necessary. As these signs are lightweight and can be easily blown away by the wind or stolen if not kept under watch.

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