Baby Powder Danger: Does Talc Cause Cancer?

The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2014, about 21,980 cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed and 14,270 women die of ovarian cancer in the US alone. The exact number of these ovarian cancer cases that are linked to talcum baby powder use is unknown, but meta-analysis of data pooled from eight separate studies found that out of 8,525 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer, nearly a one-fourth of the women’s used baby powder after bathing or showering. You may navigate to our official website, if you need to know more about baby powder ovarian cancer lawsuits

Image result for talcum powder cancer lawsuit.

Researchers warn that talc powder applied to the genital area can travel into the body and trigger inflammation, “allowing cancer cells to flourish.” These tiny particles have been found deep inside the pelvis and ovaries of some women, and can last inside the body for years.

It is estimated, for example, that it would take eight years for one particle of talc in the lungs to dissolve. Some experts say talcum powder is chemically similar to asbestos, which is linked to causing a deadly form of lung cancer called mesothelioma.

This talcum powder and cancer link was widely unknown by consumers for decades, putting hundreds of thousands of women at risk for ovarian cancer. A number of product liability lawsuits are being filed against baby powder manufacturers like Johnson & Johnson for failing to warn about the danger of baby powder cancer.

Why Safe Skin Care Products Are Important

Many people do not understand the cosmetics industry is unregulated by the federal government. The element found in many skin care and cosmetic products may be the main route of vulnerability to harmful chemicals. Therefore, it is a good idea for consumers to be educated as to what they are using.

The average person absorbs a number of chemicals and toxins every day, using such products as a facial cleanser, soap, shampoo, deodorant, nail polish etc. These products can do much more harm than good to our bodies. Many skin care products contain undesirable ingredients such as fragrances, dyes, and preservatives. In addition, there are many potential health risks associated with chemicals usually found in many items which may be linked to cancer, birth defects, and hormonal difficulties, and yet no warning label is required.You can also look for nontoxic cosmetics for your kids via

The skin is the extensive organ in the body, and readily absorbs whatever we put on it. Safety testing of ingredients in personal care products is not mandatory, and even terms like "natural" and "hypoallergenic" can be misleading. For this cause, it is imperative that one reads the ingredients on the labels before purchasing or using.

A great source to help you find safe skin care and cosmetic products are The Campaigns for Safe Cosmetics. Its goal is to defend the health of the public by requiring the beauty industry to phase out the use of harmful toxins and replace them with safe alternatives. 

Companies that have signed the Compact for Safe Cosmetics are committed to this promise to make products that will do no harm. The companies that have signed this are all listed, so you can decide if what you are using is safe or not. In addition, you can see which organizations are supporting the campaign.