Comparsion Between Traditional Veneers and Lumineers

Traditional Veneers against Lumineers

The procedures for the application of the traditional veneers and the lumineers vary. Prior to the furnishing of veneers to the teeth, the cosmetic dentist takes away a considerate quantity of tooth enamel.

This is necessary so that the adhesion would take a better effect between that of the teeth and the traditional veneers. However, this would also mean that you could not remove the veneers in the future. You can visit to know more about dental veneers.

On the other hand, the lumineers dentist would only need to take away a little portion of the tooth enamel or in some cases; no removal has to be done at all. Hence, in the event that you have a change of mind, you could ask the lumineers dentist to take them off. In this sense, the better option is that of the lumineers but take note that its exclusion may not be too easy at all. They are securely bonded onto the original teeth plus the procedure would call for a large sum of money.

In line with thickness, the lumineers are thin by nature as compared to those of the dental veneers. However, the downside is that they are more prone to cracking than the traditional veneers. In terms of the price, the lumineers dentist would charge you between the ranges of $600 up to $1000 for every tooth. This is basically much more expensive than having the traditional veneers on.

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