How Bus Accidents Can Lead to Serious Injuries

People can be injured when they are involved in any type of motor vehicle collision, even bus accidents. Bus accidents are different than other accidents because a number of different factors are involved that are not involved in your standard car or truck accident.You can know more about NTSB Investigates Fatal Los Angeles Bus Accident via various websites.


For instance, frequently passengers are not buckled in a seat belt, whereas other times they simply are not available. This is especially common in city or school buses. Therefore, unlike a passenger car or truck, people are either not required to wear a seatbelt on a bus or they don't have the option. Not making seatbelts mandatory or available leaves the passengers especially susceptible to injuries when something goes wrong.

They are left to fend for themselves in the event of an accident this is especially bothersome when you consider the amount of children who ride buses without a seatbelt every day.You can also visit to know more about bus accident.

Another characteristic that sets buses apart from passenger cars is their very big size. Where a pedestrian might have a chance of survival when they are struck by a passenger car,their chances are much slimmer when they are struck by a massive bus. Buses can certainly do more damage than an average car or truck, which means that injuries can be far greater, as well as damage caused to the other vehicle.

One of the greatest concerns for bus passengers is the fact that they are usually thrown about in a collision. If a bus driver loses control of a bus, it can go plummeting down a mountain, or off a bridge and into a lake or river. People can be thrown from the bus and become crushed or entrapped when the bus lands on their fragile bodies.

Passengers can suffer from slip and fall injuries if they were standing or walking when the bus came to a screeching halt. They can also suffer from minor to life-threatening head injuries if they sustain an impact to the head while being thrust about.

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