Free Weight Loss Surgery Farce

Recent news stories within Australia have raised up the concept of a new scheme currently being proposed from politicians where obese people can have tax payer funded gastric band surgery to obtain their stomachs stapled in a bid to eliminate the belly fat for good.

By offering free surgery it will nothing to reverse the particular clogged up arteries coming from years of abuse from eating an incorrect foods. It does nothing to raise the health and tone of your respective skin from years associated with chemical abuse. How about following most of these healthy eating tips instead of lining up for one more handout: 

1) Stop eating low fat or fat free ingredients. You can also go for lap band surgery in Southern California at Lap Band Surgery Center for perfect weight loss. lap band surgery is a perfect weight loss solution.

2)  Start workouts, especially with a qualified Personal trainer.

3)  Stop eating fast food for all of your current meals. A well rounded meal will not mean having lettuce in your hamburger and eating fries since they are made from potatoes.

4) Reduce your piece size at every supper.

5)  Stop searching for diet shakes to always be your quick fast solution.

6)  Eat more fruit and veggies and start eating breakfast every day.

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