The Role of NGOs in Non-urban Transformation

Ninety percent of the world's population lives below poverty line. There are a lot of schemes that are designed by the Government to enrich the lives of the underprivileged. One such scheme that is quite popular among people is non-profit organization. You can know about other schemes via sparo

Non-governmental organizations are funded by private donors and Government Pursuits. Non-Governmental organizations provide below listed facilities to the poor people:

Food, house and clothes

Gender Inequality Issues in Developing countries

Maintains HIV -AIDS affected children and adults

Elder Care – A sizable proportion of elders are becoming neglected and many NGOs and private contributor have built orphanages for older people

Providing education and vocational training

The quantity and the caliber of social reforms that are undertaken by this a part of workers is phenomenal. There are also concerns about fraud and pilferage of funds which have been expressed.

For the first time, similar to Manufacturing and other institutions which have been being audited for compliance using standards for instance ISO, social institutions are also audited with a social standard that has been developed near your vicinity.

Every fortunate citizen of the planet should think calmly about charity and upliftment of the poor people. It may not be required to own a NGO, but simply a thought to donate money, medicines along with assets to the poor is sufficient.