Pros Of Genetic Engineering

Every human being inherits about 30000 genes at birth. These select his or her physical and emotional attributes. a lot of these genes might have mutated or become otherwise defective making the carrier predisposed to positive genetic diseases. These diseases may strike the person in the coursework of his lifetime or alternatively may not do so at all. Nevertheless the person is a carrier and passes on these defective genes to his offspring. At some point, perhaps generations later when conditions are conducive, the disease will manifest itself.

 of the primary objectives in genetic engineering is to identify and isolate such genes with a view to repairing them or eradicating them so that their harmful effects are negated. An alternate strategy employed is to introduce a gene that has the effect of countering or combating the defective gene. If you need to know more, you can get our contact info at and talk to us directly. 

Another aim of genetic engineering is to find cures and therapies to treat other non-genetic diseases. With preliminary knowledge obtainable long before the project was completed new protocols were developed to treat auto-immune and cardiac illnesses.

Genetic engineering has thrown fresh insight in to evolution and the origin and relationship man had along together with his primate ancestors 25 million years ago. This has enabled scientists to take a fresh look at a lot of the genetic diseases that might have descended through a method of evolution.