Tips For Constructing A Chicken Coop

Thinking of constructing a home for your chicken? Here are some tips that will help you design a simple coop in the backyard of your home.

1) First of all you need to figure out the number of chickens that you are going to keep and what their breed will be. If you are keeping the coop in backyard poultry then you could buy around 8 to 10 chickens. At the same time, you should also keep in mind the size of your backyard because you must consider buying only that much chickens which can stay comfortably in your backyard.

2) The size of backyard will also help you to decide the size of your chicken coop.

3) Why and how to build your chicken coop? You will have to keep your budget in mind. If your budget is small then you can use recycled material to construct your chicken coop. You can borrow the tools from your neighbors or friends that are required to construct the chicken coop.

4) You can search the web to find different DIY designs of chicken coop. Now, it is your job to choose the one which is most suitable for your location.

5) After you have gathered the required tools, you can start the foundation by building the frame of chicken coop. Now you can slowly start focusing on the internal structure and necessary features like nests for chicken’s to sit comfortably and lay eggs, lighting, ventilation etc.

6) Your job is not done, once the chicken coop is built. Cleaning and maintaining the coop is also very essential!

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