Various Types of Pallets

If you need to order a pallet, the type you choose will depend on its used and how much you can afford.

First, it is important to know exactly what the pallet is. the palette is a "small, low-key, portable platform where goods are placed for storage or moving, such as in a warehouse or vehicle."

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Pallets of various materials and sizes generally fall into two broad categories: stringer reporters and block pallets.

Stringer pallets, often made of softwood and is sometimes referred to as a "two-way" pallet, using the framework of three or four pieces of wood (called "stringers") are aligned and attached to the upper deckboards, thus forming a pallet structure.

Block pallets, on the other hand, are generally stronger and more secure. The reason for greater strength, safety, and durability are two-fold: block usually made of wood, and they use both parallel and pieces perpendicular from the timber ( "stringers") to make their structures, which helps with handling more efficient.

Block pallets are called "four-way" because both forklift and pallet jack to move them from any direction or sideways.

As mentioned, different materials are used to produce various types of pallets. Each material has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Wood is the most common type of material used to build pallets. Wood The advantage of using wood to build this much: the wood is strong, robust, flexible, plentiful, and easy to use.

Metal pallets also have increased in number and use for many years; However, they are much more common than their wooden counterparts and comprise only a small part of the market.

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