A Natural Pimple Treatment That Works

Acne makes our skin look dreadful, and when we look dreadful we tend to feel the same way. The feeling that people are secretly calling us ‘pizza face’ inevitably leads to plummeting self-esteem, making it difficult to perform at our best when we interact at work, college or school. For some sufferers, the sense of helplessness can be so intense it leads to sleepless nights, which in itself further damages both our appearance and mental performance.

So what can be done?

The first lines of defence are diet and hygiene.  Although acne can have many underlying causes, in most cases it is at the very least exacerbated by a poor diet and less than optimal hygiene practices. So at the very least, it is likely that cutting the junk food and replacing it with fresh fruit and vegetables, and instituting a twice daily washing routine, will help you bring your acne under control, even if it does not cure it.  

For those stubborn spots that remain, use a freshly sterilised pimple popper. These are the tools dermatologists use, but they are actually cheap to buy and, with a minimal amount of practice, very easy to use. As long as you pay attention hygiene, including wiping the affected area thoroughly with antiseptic after using the pimple popper, these little tools are the easiest, most effective and safest way to remove blackhead and whitehead pimples.