The Call Of the Reality On Women Health


As we all know that “Health is Wealth”. This is for all the individuals irrespective of the age, gender, social status etc. Health is a very important issue these days and this is the need of the hour  for every individual, but especially when it comes to women helath, many questions need to be asked.


It is the natural phenomenon experienced by every women, and it is a natural process in which there is a permanent stoppage of the normal menstrual cycle and reproductive functions. Most women experience this stage after 40 years of life but normal age range between 45-55 years.

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Osteoporosis :

It is the bone disorder in which there is weakening of bones is on so high risk of breaking. These broken bones are called as fractures and most commonly occur in hips, wrist and backbone. It normally appears after the menopause.

Heart Problems:

Womens having high blood pressure, diabetes and excessive fats in blood are high in risk with heart diseases. And also as the menopause occurs, risk of heart problems increases. Most commonly there are increase chances of chest pain and heart attack.

To reduce the symptoms of Menopause Hormone Replacement Therapy(HRT) is an effective treatment. Besides this, certain herbs and dietary supplements like alfalfa, flaxseeds, olive oils are helpful in improving symptoms of menopause.