How To Practice Mindful Meditation?

Mindful meditation is not that difficult. If you have been willing to give it a try and just do not know how you can do it. Here are a few steps that break it down for you as simply as possible.

1. The very first and the one step that determines the rest is to find yourself a decent spot in your house. This is meant to be a place where you do not feel chaos around you; this means the space should be clean, minimal and comforting. People often go to companies like Thrive Services for effective mindfulness meditation because of the peaceful environment they provide.

2. Next up you have to set a time for yourself. This time identifies as how long you wish to meditate. You do not need any fancy tool for this; you can use a kitchen timer or any other alarm clock that is readily available. Use a kitchen timer or the timer on your phone. You have to decide the time of day, preferably one during which you are alone and set the alarm in order to begin.


3. Sit in a decent posture, one that does not make you comfortable. For example if you are sitting on a chair, get a comfortable pillow to cushion yourself. Your posture should definitely not be flimsy. It should be erect with you sitting with a straight back. A good posture is key to meditating otherwise you won’t find the peace you intend to.

4. Lastly once you have everything mentioned above done, breathe in and out and allow the exhaling and inhaling activities to ease your body and ultimately your mind.

This way you can easily practice meditation while being mindful.


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