Shih Tzu Puppies Play Vigorously

Shih Tzu belongs to the toy breed group. Its a puppy that weighs just between nine and sixteen pounds and it grows to no more than between eight and eleven inches in height. It also is a dog that comes in a variety of colors and its coat is abundant and long as well as dense and also double-coated. You can also checkout the Shih Tzu grooming instructions via web.

However it does have a profuse as well as luxurious outer-coat that often touches the ground and which is also quite wavy. On the other hand, the Shih Tzu puppies also come with an under-coat that is soft as well as wooly in its texture. As mentioned, the coat comes in a variety of colors and this breed is also a minimal shedder and is considered to be hypoallergenic.

One thing that need to be said about Shih Tzu puppies is likely often known as little lions that contain made their way through Tibet, though they are mostly connected with mainland China where they're kept as pets in palaces and are also much sought after buddies.

Another outstanding feature regarding Shih Tzu puppies is that this breed established fact for being very tough and intelligent which belies its tiny size. The owner of your Shih Tzu puppy will notice its noble gait and it is posture is one of pride which is eloquent testimony to its royal ancestry.


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